Category:French sociologists
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Sociologists from France.
Classification: People: By occupation: Social scientists: Sociologists: By nationality: French
Also: France: People: By occupation: Social scientists : Sociologists |
This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.
Pages in category "French sociologists"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 231 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- Élisabeth Badinter
- Georges Balandier
- Philippe Barbey
- Thierry Bardini
- Roger Bastide
- Julie Battilana
- Jean Baubérot
- Christian Baudelot
- Jean Baudrillard
- Albert Bayet
- Doris Bensimon
- Jean Berlie
- Daniel Bertaux
- Jean-Michel Berthelot
- Georges Bertin
- Pierre Birnbaum
- Danielle Bleitrach
- Olivier Bobineau
- Marcel Boll
- Luc Boltanski
- Charles-Jean Baptiste Bonnin
- Soraya Boudia
- Raymond Boudon
- Célestin Bouglé
- Sam Bourcier
- Pierre Bourdieu
- Émile Boutmy
- Dounia Bouzar
- Éric Brian
- Jean-Marie Brohm
- Philippe d'Iribarne
- Muriel Darmon
- Georges Davy
- Daniel Defert
- Catherine Delcroix
- Christine Delphy
- Didier Demazière
- Régis Dericquebourg
- Henri Desroche
- Alain Desrosières
- Anne-Marie Devreux
- Erwan Dianteill
- Mattei Dogan
- Marc Drillech
- Claude Dubar
- Denis Duclos
- Serge Dufoulon
- René Dumont
- Gilbert Durand
- Émile Durkheim
- Maurice Duverger
- Jean Duvignaud
- François de La Rochefoucauld, 7th Duke of La Rochefoucauld
- Geoffroy de Lagasnerie
- Bernard Lahire
- Didier Lapeyronnie
- Marlène Laruelle
- Émile Lasbax
- Bruno Latour
- Sylvain Lazarus
- Gustave Le Bon
- Gabriel Le Bras
- Henri Le More
- Pierre Guillaume Frédéric le Play
- Henri Lefebvre
- Frédéric Lenoir
- Marie-Thérèse Letablier
- Claude Lévi-Strauss
- André Lichtenberger
- Raphaël Liogier
- Gilles Lipovetsky
- René Lourau
- Catherine Louveau
- Ilana Löwy
- Michael Löwy
- Nathalie Luca
- Michel Maffesoli
- Roland Marchal
- Jean-Marie Marconot
- Marie-Cécile Naves
- Maryse Marpsat
- Catherine Marry
- Margaret Maruani
- Nicole-Claude Mathieu
- René Maublanc
- Marcel Mauss
- Georges Menahem
- Asma Mhalla
- Andrée Michel
- Juliette Minces
- Monique de Saint-Martin
- Eric Monnin
- Edgar Morin
- Serge Moscovici
- Liane Mozère
- Paul Mus
- Christine Musselin
- Anne Muxel