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Please be careful not to Wikify names with roman numerals in them. No one is likely to write articles entitled "Doctor Fate II" or "The Flash III". More likely the Doctor Fate characters will all go into a Doctor Fate article, and if separate articles on the Flashes are necessary, they should be named things like The Flash (Golden Age), The Flash (Silver Age) and The Flash (Modern Age). -mhr 21:36, 25 Jan 2004 (UTC)

  • Justice Leagues event

Should we provide information regarding the teams in the "Justice Leagues" event of a few years back? User: Orville Eastland

  • JLA Chairmen

Should we begin trying to compile a list of individuals who chaired the JLA (sort of like the lists of elected officials you see at the bottom of some pages)? User: Orville Eastland

  • Supporting members

Should we set up a seperate page devoted to listing the Supporting members of the JLA on their own? (Ex. Snapper Carr, Sue Dibney, Dale Gunn, Maxwell Lord...) (And I'm sorry for all the questions...) User: Orville Eastland

Other League

Hey found it here - Sarge Steel assembles a "Justice League Task Force" in Justice League Quarterly #14 (Spring 94) that includes Judomaster II, Nightshade, and Thunderbolt. Anyone have this issue to check out? I know they did not operate in any official capacity, much like the League we saw in 52 with Ambush Bug and Firestorm. --Brianmccollum (talk) 21:16, 24 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Moon Maiden character


I know the retconned characters are listed by their chronological date in terms of when they were published...there:s another character, "Moon Maiden," that was retconned in a special...shouldn't she be added??

The problem is that character's past was overwritten, and thus "never happened...."

When did her past become overwritten? I'd be happy to hear it, as the character was useless, but where was this established? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Look for a JLA Annual. Can't remember the issue. —Lesfer (talk/@) 19:11, 22 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

That's because there was never a JLA Annual that overwrote Moon Maiden. The only possible way she was removed was due to the current Infinite Crisis...but that hasn't been established yet. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Yes, there was. —Lesfer (talk/@) 21:24, 22 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Oops, my mistake. Moon Maiden was created and overwritten on JLA 80-Page Giant # 3. Her timeline is gone and she exists only on dream-like memories. —Lesfer (talk/@) 21:34, 22 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
She was brought back in in that same issue. She appeared in JLA/Avengers where every member appeared. She would be considered a 2000's recruit.

Recent changes


I added her, even if "this never happened", for a while he was part of the League. A minor correction, Vladimir Mikoyan was Rocket Red 1, the first of them, and the Manhunter one was just a cyborg, that was revealed when the JLI vessel crashlanded in Bialya. Considered destroyed, he reformed his artificial body an was ready to self destruct, but Booster Gold contained the explosion with his force field. I consider Dimitri Pushkin as Rocjet Red 4 (or 13 according to some issues) just until the destruction of his body armor by Lobo, and Rocket Red (no number) in his apokoliptian armor.

About recent changes


No retconned members are listed, no unofficial or honorary members (such as Sargon the Sorcerer or Adam Strange) are listed.

No need for listing all real names. Despites confusing the topic reading, only two or more characters with same names but different alter-egos have their real names listed. Lesfer 14:36, 21 November 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I changed it a little bit, Adam Strange is an important ally, but was never a member, just like Gnort and Barda in the JLI run, but Sargon was a little more serious. Regarding alter egos, I think it is important to identify characters, regardless of "version". Feel free to change it back, thou. Ketin Porta

Wrong. In the original comic book series, he was listed as, and referred to as, a full member. He just didn't respond to many alerts.Duncan Beach (talk) 15:12, 19 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

JL Elite


I've removed them from the list due to the following reasons:

1- They're another team
2- They're not officially linked to the JLA
3- Their members are not JLA official members 20:22, 31 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Oh...but they are officially linked to the JLA, and played a role in the JLA vs. Crime Syndicate storyline. If you are going to include Justice League Anartica and the Justice League Task Force, then you need to include Justice League Elite. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

The Elite is *not* officially linked to the JLA. Read JL Elite. The JL Elite was never acccepted by JLA core members. Regarding Justice League Antarctica, Maxwell Lord made them an official (yet useless) branch. —Lesfer (talk/@) 19:11, 22 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Considering that the Elite featured 2 "core" JLA members (Flash and Green Arrow), 2 non-core members (Major Disaster and Manitou Raven) and was infiltrated by Batgirl for Batman (another core member), and considering that the team debuted in a Justice League Secret Files and went on to work side by side with the JLA in the above referenced story, the team IS linked to the JLA, whether you want to admit it or not.

As for Justice League Anarctica, Maxwell Lord created it as a way to keep the Injustice Gang busy...it was a ruse, and never intedned to be an official branch. You have to do more than look at the pictures Lesfer, you have to read the stories.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

I'm following what is written while you, on the other hand, is following POV as we can see on your recent edits on the Justice League article. —Lesfer (talk/@) 21:24, 22 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Lesfer, do you actually read the books? Your edits most certainly do not reflect a knowledge of what's in them. Why don't you spend some time off this board and actually read. Several things I've seen you edit are horribly wrong.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Sure! I do read the books! I'm sorry you feel my edits "do not reflect a knowlege of what's in them", but that's *your* problem, not mine. It's not wise to bring your problems in here. Why don't you try to deal with it? And I thought about your advice on "spend some time off this board and actually read". Thanks, but no thanks. About my "horribly wrong" edits... what can I say? This is just your POV, and I respect it. But my POV about your POV is that you have a shitty POV. But I bet you don't care... And I know why! Because it is only POV. I'm always based on *facts*, and when it's about facts there's no room for POV. Got it? ;) —Lesfer (talk/@) 22:53, 22 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

As I said, you aren't reading the books (which you just admitted) so you are making false comments in entries instead of referring to the facts of the stories. At least now everyone who reads this knows that you don't what you're talking about. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Yeah, yeah, anything to ease your mind. Go in peace. —Lesfer (talk/@) 14:11, 23 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
"JL Elite" wasn't a Justice League branch. The team was never called "Justice League Elite" but "Elite". Justice League Elite was simply a comic book title just as Captain Atom's Extreme Justice. —Lesfer (t/c/@) 22:55, 24 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]
They are called the Justice League Elite. Vera Black says it will be a covert branch of the League. Members were fighting with other remnants of the League during Infinite Crisis. Black says on the cover "Not your Daddy's Justice League." What more proof do you want.
Right there. You said it yourself: "a covert branch of the League". Therefore, *not* official members. Plus, Batman and Superman never agreed in having the Elite linked to them. —Lesfer (t/c/@) 20:39, 2 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Stop, hold on. I'll take the "Batman and Superman never approved" argument as a feasable reason not to include the team, based on the latest retcon. With that an in-continuity argument can be made that without the support and/or involvement of the majority of the "Trinity", a "Justice League" grouping is not an true part of the team and its legacy. That would mean that the line up from 52 should be removed, and the "Detroit" team becomes open for debate.
But, simply having the phrase "a covert branch of…" as a descriptor is not an indication that members of the described unit/team are not members of the parent unit/team. From an in-continuity POV or an outside-looking-in one.
One thing this back and forth seems to not want to address is a point I asked about further down the page: Why, when the article (or in this case list) is supposed to be written from the "outside" POV is there a blatant attempt to enforce in-continuity limits to the list? It sounds like, and please correct me if I've got this wrong, this list is being kept to reflect one particular set of tastes and preferred continuity.
Thanks for listening. — J Greb 23:37, 2 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]



What about the members of the Justice Leagues appeared in the specials "Justice League of Aliens", "Justice League of Atlantis", "Justice League of Arkham", etc. etc.? Are they supposed to be totally fictional or can they be mentioned in a specific section? --Superchilum(talk to me!!) 18:14, 22 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Elseworlds. The JLA history was rewritten and then rewritten again. So the "Justice Leagues" thing have never happened. Lesfer 21:00, 22 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Not Elsesworlds. The Justice League A..... took place in current continunity, Hector Hammond used a telepathic attack to make everyone forget about Justice League America, then relised about the alien attack and tried to make the core Justice League members remember, but only got the message "Justice League of A..." to them. Each core member then formed there own Justice League Of A...(e.g. Aliens, Atlantis, Arkham, Amazons), which were disbanded when the core members remembered about/Hector removed the telepathic block regarding, Justice League of America. The stories all took place in continutiy. Scarlettspiderg 14:36, 1 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

And where was this established? Again, I'm all for it as the one-shots were a bit silly, but either reference where this was established Lesfer, or quit trying to bully the boards. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

Man, if you want to make such edits you have to stop asking and begin reading the stories! This was established by the end of the Justice Leagues storyline. Read it! —Lesfer (talk/@) 19:11, 22 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Do not remove content. It is considered vandalism. —Lesfer (talk/@) 21:24, 22 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, because the word of Lesfer is evidently law...even when he is wrong. Kind of like George Bush.—Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

"Wrong"? Look! It's your POV again! Really, you shouldn't remove somebody else's arguments. It's *fact*. It's what Wikipedia policy says. But I can't tell if it looks like George Bush's. —Lesfer (talk/@) 22:53, 22 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

New 2006 Series - New Lineup!!


Can someone please add the new lineup of the new Justice League of America series? It's Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Greeen Lantern (Hal Jordan), Black Canary (Dinah Lance), Vixen, Arsenal, Black Lightning and Red Tornado. --PenaltyKillah 21:44, 21 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

As soon as the comic is out and this line-up is confirmed by DC. Comic readers have been deceived by fake covers before. —Lesfer (t/c/@) 03:55, 22 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

2 questions....

  1. What is the reason for not including characters that were retconed in and/or out of membership? To the best of my understanding this should be a list as views from outside continuity. Is there a statement of style or archived discussion relating to this?
  2. In a similar vein... Why is the Phantom Stranger listed? IIRC he was offered membership, but never accepted it.

Thanks for listening — J Greb 21:41, 9 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I'm getting rid of Justice League Antartica members, only one-shot. Brian Boru is awesome 15:46, 1 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Justice League Antarctica is cannon. they were in the JLA/Avengers series.

I'm going to make all JL members just say Justice League. Not JL Europe. Brian Boru is awesome 02:23, 29 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Who originally dictated that this was the rule?

"The JLA members are listed here in order of their first joining the team. None are listed twice. No retconned members are listed (except where they historically took part in the stories), no associates and unofficial or honorary members (such as Adam Strange, Sargon or Sandman Garrett Sanford) are listed, nor is the official team mascot Snapper Carr, nor are members of the Super Friends except when they are also Justice League members."

When Busiek and Perez did the JLA/Avengers crossover, they researched and included every member (No matter their status)ever of both teams in the story and on the cover of Issue number 3. Everyone who was ever a member of the League should be included in this list regardless of what their exact status was. Why bother having a page that is incomplete? The very least one should do is have an honorary/staff section or something along those lines, instead of ignoring a character all together. --Brianmccollum 17:52, 5 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

What about Hawkeye (yes the Marvel Comics Character)? In his trivia section, it is establsished that he is a member, but when he was added, he was taken away. Should he not be listed as a member if this is eestablished in his trivia section? See:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JLA/Avengers#Trivia

And who the devil decided that PROMETHEUS was ever a member? Freddy never joined the JLA - check your OWN list - and that wasn't Freddy to begin with. Duncan Beach (talk) 16:50, 20 August 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Honorary, staff, and other members


I have added a seperate section listing any non-ful members at the bottom of the page. Do not delete it. This Wikipedia page which is suppose to list all Justice League members is incomplete without it. I could use some help in correcting the links, if anyone can lend a hand, as i'm having trouble with that.

The information was compiled by Busiek and Perez for JLA/Avengers, particularly for Issue #3 cover.

http://www.comixfan.com/xfan/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22335 www.george-perez.com

My other questions are, do we give a character seperate listings if they joined under different names at different times:

Batgirl: Should be listed. But she is not the same Barbara Gordon as Oracle. The Batgirl who is an honorary member of the Justice League was from an alternate reality where Barbara Gordon was not crippled by the Joker. She received membership after sacrificing her life in battle with Parallax during Zero Hour.

Diana: Wonder Woman joined the team in Justice League America #95 as Diana after losing the role of Wonder Woman to Artemis.

Bloodwynn: Was actually the Martian Manhunter when he joined in Justice League America #63. Later the real Bloodwynn joined after this revelation in Justice League America #76

Warrior: Guy Gardner joined as Warrior in Justice League America #100

--Brianmccollum 15:05, 10 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]


Kilowog, Dale Gunn, Catherine Cobert, Oberon were all staff and were listed as members by both George Perez and Kust Busiek, two people who, unlike everyone making unnecessary changes here, are actually authorities on the subject and are sanctioned to make such decisions by DC Comics. I am basing my edits on their criteria and decisions. Agent Liberty and Black Condor are members too, the same with Lobo.

Every member of both teams appeared on the cover of JLA/Avengers issue #3, which clearly provides a solid reference for which this page can be safely based off from. Use link below to see image.


Second link contains a breakdown of who's who on the cover, complete with a short note about when they joined.

http://www.comixfan.com/xfan/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22335 --Brianmccollum 16:12, 11 February 2007 (UTC)-- 15:50, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

  • If this cover is your unfalible source, where's Commander Steel (JL Detroit's financial supporter) in it? My source are several comics, and not a single cover.

And staff is not membership, but supporters. Lesfer 16:25, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Commander Steel is not a member by being a financial supporter, but obviously his grandson was. If that was the case, Oliver Queen and Bruce Wayne would be listed as members, as they supported the League financially too. Staff is membership, as was clarified by the creative team in JLA/Avengers, who asked former writers of the League books about who was a member of the team. That comic is a solid source because it is fairly recently made and was brought about after much research by very well known and established creators. Could you list these comics you reference, as they sound interesting to check out? Thanks for contributing to the discussion. --Brianmccollum 16:38, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Hmm... suddenly it sounds like a double-standard. Anyway, Oliver Queen and Bruce Wayne are listed: as members, respectively as Green Arrow and Batman.
And sure I can list comic books!
  • Justice League International # 18, 19 - Lobo is not listed as a member. Max Lord simply considered giving him temporary membership, but he did not.
  • Justice League America # 71-75 - Agente Liberty and Black Condor were offered membership but never accepted. They simply helped in some missions.
All anyone have to do is to read the comics.
And I've never read that staff is considered as members. All I see in that cover are several caracters. JLA members, allies and associates. But allies and associates are not members. Could you please point out where staff is considered membership? Where in the comic book is it clarified? Lesfer 17:26, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
JLA/Avengers Cover #3 is a compilation of research involving various writers of the Justice League books. The only people on the cover are League members and Avengers. That's it. There are no non-members or assocaites on there, just members. If they are on that cover, they have some type of membership status. See the link below which gives a character breakdown of everyone on there. It's a good starting point.


Agent Liberty and Black Condor took membership in that story in Justice League America # 71 after Superman's death and left shortly thereafter. Agent Lbery also participated in the Sonar story arc in Justice League Europe #45-#50 (with issue #50 being renaming the book Justice League International).

Thanks for listing those books. The Lobo membership always took me by surprise, but I listed it based on the researched of the JLA/Avengers. At the very least, try Google-ing the crossover and look into some of the discussion involving the story. Busiek was very frothcoming on DCcomics.com message boards about who they included and why. He also mentioned why he left off Golden Eagle and some other characters.

Perhaps a section could be established for characters who have questionable/unconfirmed membership, such as Lobo, Black Condor, Golden Eagle others? Thoughts?

What of members who had dual identities on the team, such as Wonder Woman/Diana, Guy Gardner/Warrior, and Martian Manhunter/Bloodwynn? Should they not be listed twice or should some mention be made in their primary lsiting stating they served under another alias?

Again, thanks for listing those issues, as it aids in discussion greatly.

--Brianmccollum 17:43, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

  1. Sorry, buddy, I see the list, but who made it? I can't see how this website can be used as a reliable source.
  2. Agent Liberty and Black Condor never accepted membership. They were hanging out with the team but simple assisting. They never took membership.
  3. If we start a "questionable section", it will be deleted. There's no room for speculation in WP.
  4. Let's keep this article clean. This is why members are only listed once, when they first joined the team, despite later joining again under different alias. —Lesfer (t/c/@) 17:55, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for joining the discussion and for the input. And the only buddy here is Buddy Baker, but enough kidding around...
-The list is copied from the charcater key to the cover of JLA/Avengers #3. The source is valid, as it refers to the comic, which is concrete. This is just simply one place online where it is listed. Again, feel free to Google it yourself or check out the cover if own the book.
-I agree that they were only in one or two storylines and never accepted memberhsip on panel, but neither did Jay Garrick or the Ray ever accept membership formally. Again, they wouldn't have been put on the cover by Perez and Busiek if they weren't members. As writers of the series and actual experts on the subject, I feel their decision carries far more weight than how anyone here may feel, and therefore, should be included. The decisions of the writers and artists on the series far outweighs how any fan may feel about who belongs.
-No speculation section if everyone feels that way. It was simply an idea I tossed out there to see what everyone thinks.
-If we wish to keep charcaters listed once, then some mention needs to be made that they served under another alias in their primary listing.

Remember, this page isn't necessarily for people who currently enjoy the book and the Justice League history, it's for new readers and fans to learn more about the team and it's memberhsip history too. Having a complete and accurate list is the least we can do to assist new fans and others with interest.

--Brianmccollum 18:32, 11 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

  • Hi, Brian, and welcome to Wikipedia. I note above that you seem to be stating that people can't remove certain items from the article. That sort of goes against the collaborative nature of Wikipedia. We're a collaborative effort and we need to engage with each other and reach consensus on decisions. See Wikipedia:Ownership of articles and Wikipedia:Consensus for more details. With respect to the issue itself, we can't just copy information verbatim from a comic book, that's a violation of copyright. Also, you seem to be reading more into the decision to feature characters on a cover than may actually exist. Have a read of our policies on Wikipedia:Verifiability and Wikipedia:No original research. We'd need to cite a source in which Busiek and/or Perez state that opinion, and then we could refer to it in the article. Otherwise we are drawing our own conclusions from a cover detail. You are somewhat incorrect in stating that having a complete and accurate list is the goal. Our verifiability policy states that "The threshold for inclusion in Wikipedia is verifiability, not truth". We can only summarise other sources, and if those do not cover a subject completely, we too must remain incomplete. Hiding Talk 15:58, 12 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for writing. I agree "Our verifiability policy states that "The threshold for inclusion in Wikipedia is verifiability, not truth". My issue was that people were constantly moving and changing and deleteing things based on opinion and not fact, and that with all the changes made to the article, not one person bothered to post a reason why they did what they did on the discussion board with anything that even remotely came close to resembling a citation or reference. I will be happy to add a citation to each and every chracter on the board now if that is what it takes. Just let me know.

Perhaps you can help me add a citation then? For JLA/Avengers Collectors Edition, which was referred to my by Mr. Busiek when I emailed him about this discussion. It contains all the info I am referring to. Here is his message back to me.

"Sadly, my research notes on that are all stored away now, and I don't have time to dig them out -- too many deadlines.

But I would think the JLA/AVENGERS collector's edition, with its extensive notes, published by DC and therefore "official" would be support enough..."


Here is an exceprt from an interview with Kurt Busiek about the research that went into finding out Justice League membership:


"One of the promises made earlier by Busiek was that every team member in the histories of both the JLA and the Avengers would manage to find its way to the pages of the four-issue limited series. In setting out to do the monumental task, Busiek had to do some research, particularly for the JLA roster. "The Avengers were easy, of course - Tom Brevoort and I had already worked up a complete roster of the Avengers that had run in an Avengers Case Book a few years back, so it was just a matter of adding in the few new guys that had joined since. The JLA, though, was a whole 'nother story - there had been numerous roster lists done over the years, few of them accurate. So I worked with Tom Brevoort, and with JLA assistant editor Steve Wacker, and consulted with uberfans like John Wells (my continuity consultant on Power Company), Sean McQuaid (DC/Marvel enthusiast par excellence) and Andrew 'Captain Comics' Smith, who did a column in CBG about the team rosters around the time we were nailing down those last few appearances. And we e-mailed back and forth and argued and made judgment calls - at one point, I called up Dan Vado to nail him down on whether he'd intended Jay Garrick's appearances in the book as membership or as a guest appearance back when he was writing it - and eventually we had a complete roster, from the Atom to Zatanna to Power Girl's cat."

So I can't imagine any other source out there coming even remotely close to being anywhere near as good when it comes to who's in and who's out. That be said, it is not the only sourse, just the most superior, hands down. Again, check out the Collector's Edition at a comic shop or book store if you can or see what you can find online. The notes alone are quite an interesting read.

--Brianmccollum 18:34, 12 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Your email is not usable as a source since it is original research, and per the policy, "Original research that creates primary sources is not allowed." The interview is a good source, but it doesn't stand alone. It's not a definitive source, and other sources would be the column for CBG by Andrew Smith, and other reliable sources. This list can't be definitive, since your source makes it clear there is no definitive position. To assert there is would be a breach of our neutral point of view policy. Hiding Talk 21:16, 12 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I normaly avoid these heated discussions but I thought i'd stick my two cents in here, I'm not an expert on wiki policy or the JLA so please bear with me:
  • 1-I think the presense of "staff/honorary members" has validity for this list/article. Someone like Sue Dibny/Snapper Carr may not have been members but if I were looking for information on JL stories and incarnations both of these characters are important to the team's history. Creating a seperate article "List of Justice League supporting characters" seem pointless so lets keep them here. These charaters are probably more notable than many of the "honorary" members and there time with the team/s is of mor eimportance to continuity.
  • 2- Using a single source as the definitive authority on comic continuity seem frought with problems. JLA/Avengers was ultimately just a story, not a historical essay on the two teams and I'm sure that while Mr. Busiek is more well read than us he is not the last word in continuity, that would be the entire published history of DC comics.
  • Hopefully this will help to bring some perspective, or at least draw some heat. I won't edit the page, i'll leave that to you guys. Palendrom 20:51, 12 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Those are good suggestions, thanks. Hiding Talk 21:16, 12 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I agree. They are good suggestions. I was getting way off topic with the inital debate, which is why I strongly agree with Palendrom's suggestion #1 --Brianmccollum 22:07, 12 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Sue? Snapper? Max? All honorary members. Agreed. What I do not agree with is adding staff (like Yazz, Cobert and Gunn) or allies (like Lobo, Agente Liberty and Black Condor) as these characters were not members. —Lesfer (t/c/@) 01:55, 13 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Allies shouldn't be added otherwise the list will be endless given the number of people the team has fought alongside. Why not the staff in a non-members section? Hiding Talk 08:16, 13 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Nice! 3 sections: members, non-full members and staff. I think that'll work, Hiding. —Lesfer (t/c/@) 16:03, 13 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Lesfer, the 3 sections sounds great to me. --Brianmccollum 20:25, 14 February 2007 (UTC)[reply]



For when it invariably goes back up, the "role call" from JLofA #8 includes Geo-Force on the JLA roster. And it does so without tagging him as a "guest". By that he is being presented as a member, and his joining happened between issues 7 and 8. - J Greb 06:01, 20 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]

There've also been interviews that there would be one final member added after the first arc; it seems safe to assume it is GeoForce, especially given all of his appearances in the first arc. Darquis 08:15, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Do you realize that you are merely speculating? Pay attention to your own words. Until we get some confirmation, we should wait. Pick some JLoA old issues and you'll see the team had *guests* listed in the roll call on several occasions. And considering how much tribute Meltzer is paying to the Silver Age, I think it's pretty much safe to say we should wait until it is said Geo-Force joined the team. Waiting for the right info is not against a policy. Speculating, on the other hand... Cheers —Lesfer (t/c/@) 14:07, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
See my comments here, they all apply here as well. And since the previous use of the "role calls" has been brought up, the old uses invariably have "gusts" tagged. That was not done in this case. - J Greb 16:58, 21 April 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I don't think it's speculation when a new member was mentioned in interviews, a new member is shown in the book, not marked as guest, and he's shown up as a member of the team in the last two books (including JSA, which JLA crosses over with right now) Darquis 09:29, 2 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
And when the comic book writer says in a interview that the character is not a member? Anyway, as I said before, I won't edit it anymore. —Lesfer (t/c/@) 14:22, 2 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
This is straightforward. Meltzer, the writer of the book, says Geo-Force is NOT a member. The mystery 11th member hinted at is now known to be the Flash. Chris1435 03:46, 6 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Well, this point is pretty messy now... If Geo-Force is not a member, why the heck is he doing monitor duty? I think they fixed the mess by somehow making him a member and that's it (lol) —Lesfer (t/c/@) 17:08, 16 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Hello everyone. I would like to begin by applauding all contributors to Wikipedia comics pages. Given your contributions, I'm sure most of you are familiar with my site, Cosmic Teams and the JLA Library. Recently I've even considered merging some of my content with Wikipedia.

But today, I have to address the matter of blatant plagiarism. No argument can be made to convince me that parts of my site, specifically the JLA Membership list, haven't been lifted directly. I have always favored sharing online information. However, if I write things for my web site, I have a copyright on the words and content. It's my syntax, my table design, etc. If I had written them for Wikipedia, they would be fair game. But I did and do not.

To me, the crime here is that nobody ever even emailed me to ask about Wikipedia collaboration, or to share my information. I encourage the use of my site for research and fanfare. And many are the times I've agreed to the reprinting of my material. Please show the consideration you extend within Wikipedia to those working outside, in the spirit of Wikipedia.

Mike Kooiman


Myke4 18:00, 4 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Major Disaster


What's the source for his death? I haven't seen it confirmed anywhere by DC, only something in Wizard contradicted by Newsarama, neither an authoritative source (IMO) Darquis 22:22, 4 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

The reliable, authorative source where Major Disaster's death is confirmed is Infinite Crisis #7, where his neck is snapped! It doesn't have to be alluded in an by an editor or writer to have happened. As for his misidentification with Boss Moxie, it's mostly due to the fact that they're both black-haired white guys with heavy black jackets. Newsarama can makes mistakes, and Wizard is far from a reliable secondary source. Look at the preceding panels before the neck-snapping scene for confirmation: not only is the victim's jacket collared (like Major Disaster and unlike Moxie's), but he is also being fried by Baron Blitzkrieg's heat vision before Superboy-Prime jumps in. Why would Blitzkrieg attack another supervillain? Specially one who one who is a powerless, elderly mob boss... --Ace ETP 21:11, 5 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
The source where he isn't even identified, and it's two small panels that don't decisively indicate who is there. Why would Baron Blitzkrieg kill Baron Moxie? Well, if he was in charge of Intergang at the time, or at all a threat to it, a big battle with superpowers would be an easy way to have him accidentally die. Major Disaster was avoiding superheroes at the time due to his relapse into alcoholism; there's a case to be made for either. That's why I went with unknown. Could be dead, could be alive, could be in a coma, could be on a parallel earth (probably is, too). Darquis 01:18, 6 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
1-Look at the collar. It's Major Disaster. As you've shown, any argument for identifying the victim as Moxie implies not only complete disregard for readily apparent costume features, but also innapropiate conjecture having to do with reasons Blitzkrieg might have to harm a human crime lord completely under his league. 2-Bane had given up being a supervillain so he could focus on political issues in Santa Prisca. Yet, he appears in the issue anyway, and no one tries to suggest that it was a similar looking Mexican wrestler simply because he isn't mentioned to by name. 3-The victim is dead, not paralyzed. People don't survive necksnappings where the head is turned 180 degrees. Not even if they have the Major's powers. Any return would likely merit an explanation. --Ace ETP 03:13, 6 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
1) There was an arc in Superman where Boss Moxie was given super powers and cloned into a younger body, so to call him a human crime lord and completely out of Baron Blitzkrieg's league is misleading. 2)There was an arc in JSA Classified that explained why Bane was back. There's been no explanation for why Major Disaster might be there, and given that it happened in Metropolis, having a member of Intergang (based out of Metropolis) seems far more likely. 3) I didn't say that the attack had paralyzed Major Disaster, or Boss Moxie, or whoever it was. Darquis 20:27, 6 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
If you're looking for further proof, remember Major Disaster appeared in 52 #24, where J'onn returned to the JLA's original headquarters in Happy Harbor. There he adds a memorial of Booster Gold, and in the gallery of memorials there is one for Disaster (and the Yazz, who'd not previously been described as dead). Myke4 15:35, 7 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I must be missing it. I went back and reread 24. Ignoring the female characters, I see: Part of a cut off Aztek, Vibe, one of the Rocket Reds, I think Tomorrow Woman (although clearly not Major Disaster), Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, Red Tornado, Both Crimson Foxes, General Glory, Amazing Man, Barry Allen, and probably part of one of the Hawkmen/women from over the years (or Zauriel?). Maybe my book is messed up or something, but I'm not seeing him. Darquis 08:01, 8 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Torque (DC comics) Darquis (talk) 10:05, 24 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]



As far as I know, Hawkeye is the only Marvel character to date to be officially made a member of the JLA. I'd say that's notable enough to merit being somewhere on this list. The question is, where? In the "2000s" section, since he was inducted in JLA/Avengers? Or somewhere else, since he is technically inactive by virtue of living in another reality (not to mention having been deceased for a time)? I defer to any "regulars" on this topic, since my knowledge/readership of the League is spotty at best. -- Pennyforth 14:52, 2 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Don't think so. He was never part of DCU chronology. —Lesfer (t/c/@) 15:40, 6 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, but with the "Syndicate Rules" arc in JLA being a semi-direct sequel to events in JLA/Avengers, that establishes JLA/Avengers as firmly in continuity, does it not? -- Pennyforth 12:32, 13 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I added him as a member. Since he is mentioned as being a member on both his own page and the JLA/Avengers page, it seems only right to me at least that he be included in this list. Everyone agree? Yay, or Nay? -- Self-Cannibal

Nay. Still: Hawkeye was never part of DCU chronology. —Lesfer (t/c/@) 19:07, 13 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Yay, He was a member.-
I'll say yes as well, given that JLA/Avengers has at least semi-been followed up.
Nay. Chris1435 03:22, 6 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Justice League Task Force


How many missions does a character need to be considered a member? If it is one, then many members need to be added, according to the JLTF site on Wikipedia. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

This image shows the members. From #17 on. Mark Waid changed the group concept from a "task force" to a "team". A task force (the way the group worked until #16) is something temporary, it doesn't have members, but agents. Please, do not forget to sign your posts. —Lesfer (t/c/@) 11:25, 11 June 2007 (UTC)[reply]



Two things - 1) Isn't the version from 52 no longer active? Isn't he now a meld of different characters, none of whom is Stein? 2) Whichever version of him is deemed active, he should be bolded as a current member. Whether that requires a new entry for him or not, I'm not sure Darquis (talk) 10:02, 24 May 2008 (UTC)[reply]



Because James Dale Robinson's new series will feature a team simply called the Justice League, differentiation must be maintained. the Justice League and the Justice League of America will be two different teams, and will be confusing to readers once the new team debuts. For instance, when the article reads:

  • Batman - Active in the Justice League.

And down the line, on the new incarnation, also reads:

  • Supergirl - Active in the Justice League.

It will be incorrect. Batman and Supergirl will not be a part of the same team. There is also the issue of Hal Jordan, who will be active on both teams. If his section on this page reads:

  • Green Lantern - Active in the Justice League.

It will also be incorrect because he is not just a member of one team, he is a member of that team and the Justice League of America. --CmdrClow (talk) 00:14, 23 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Just checking a few things with the characters already listed...
If we go with this analogy, then we've got a lot of characters with problems. Just going from the top of the list down (and I'm avoiding the "Justice League of America", "Justice League America", and "JLA" situation for right now):
  • Martian Manhunter — Lacks "Justice League Task Force"
  • Elongated Man — Lacks "Justice League Europe"
  • Firestorm (Raymond) — Lacks "Extreme Justice"
  • Gypsy — Lacks "Justice League Task Force"
  • Blue Beetle — Lacks "Justice League International" and "Extreme Justice"
  • Booster Gold — Lacks "Justice League International" and "Extreme Justice"
  • Captain Atom — Lacks "Justice League International", "Justice League Europe" and "Extreme Justice"
  • Flash (Wally) — Lacks "Justice League Europe" but has "Justice League Elite"
  • Green Arrow — surprisingly has both "Justice League" and "Justice League Elite"
The point here is that this list, as well as most of the other members lists and character affiliation infobox fields are treating "Justice League" as an overall umbrella. While there are specific sub-teams, the tendency has been to not treat them as separate teams.
Either that is applied to the team for Robinson's book, which by all I've seen is still going to be associated as a sub-group. Or we need to rethink this list so that each sub team gets its full due. - J Greb (talk) 00:49, 23 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

That won't be an issue, because it's only within the "Notes" box that this needs to be addressed. Martian Manhunter's currently reads "Deceased in Final Crisis #1" It makes no mention of the Task Force or any subsequent team in the "Notes" section. Confusion will only come out of where the members are active at this point in time. --CmdrClow (talk) 00:59, 23 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

So...is there consensus, or what? --CmdrClow (talk) 04:09, 24 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
No... there's two active voices here and a third who's comments are in the form of reverting the article to the status quo.
And yes, the consistency issue does extend beyond the "Notes" in the members lists and the "upcoming" sub-teams. There are the examples I've listed above as well as cases like Power Girl. If it is inaccurate for "Active in the Justice League" to appear in the list notes for a character Robinson isn't using, it is just as inaccurate for an infobox to list "Justice League" in the same cases.
If the idea is to rework this list and the affiliation conventions to treat all of the sub-teams equitably, fine. If it is just to treat the characters for the upcoming series as "special", no, that isn't fine. - J Greb (talk) 10:54, 24 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Do it J Greb!!! (talk) 21:30, 24 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
See, now you're putting words in my mouth. I didn't say anything about giving them special treatment, it's simply a matter of common sense. If two members that are active on different teams are listed as active on the same team, then it's bound to create confusion and cause problems. Are you disagreeing with that? --CmdrClow (talk) 03:11, 25 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Are they really different teams though? Or are they just sub sets of a larger group?
Again, as far as I can tell, the group of characters Robinson is going to be using is still part of the over all team.
And, if you prefer it this way, my reading of your statements is that this singular grouping of characters is a different situation than the rest of the sub-teams. The only difference I'm seeing though is that its the core cast for a comic that's first issue will hit the stands in the near-ish future.
That isn't common sense, it favoritism.
Between common sense and KISS, it's either one large team as the current list presents it or it's a set of team rosters for each of the discrete sub-sets. Not a mix and match of the two approaches.
- J Greb (talk) 03:33, 25 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Again, they are NOT part of the same team. Hal Jordan and Green Arrow react with disappointment in the JLA's response to a murder, and create their own team, separate from the JLA, to hand out justice. [1][2] Robinson specified this in the sourced interviews, and his interview in Wizard, issue #200. I cannot show favoritism to a team I have never read about. --CmdrClow (talk) 03:56, 25 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

There have been several teams that have gone by the name "Justice League". And some were not remotely related, except for having a few "cross-over" members.

The post-Legends "Justice League" is an excellent example.

And how about List of Teen Titans members? : )

However, if you're really concerned, then let's just take a tighter view on WP:CRYSTAL in this case, and wait until we have more data (aka verifiable reliable sources : ) - jc37 06:45, 25 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]

  1. I'm all for waiting until there is more to go on. And given how things can happen with comics, I'd prefer one of the "more to go on" would be having the initial issue of Robinson's series in hand.
  2. I'm also not adverse to moving this list in the same direction that the Teen Titans list was being moved. But placing the splits needs to be done in one go, no just for a particular version.
- J Greb (talk) 10:42, 25 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Isn't there already a little bit of confusion creeping in by not having the (albeit fairly obvious) explanatory word "CURRENTLY" in front of all the "Active" statuses...? I don't think it would be too bad to append a note - as and when - that there are currently two "Justice League"s. Anyone who is interested in which team the active members are on can simply go to their page and/or a page for the comic and find out. ntnon (talk) 02:40, 26 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
N.B. The Titans list is more confusing - the clear implication of the layout is that "The Titans" team consisted ONLY of Jesse Quick... that can't be right. ntnon (talk) 02:43, 26 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
The "Currently" isn't there because that would, IIUC, be to blatant an contradiction to WP:DATED and the "constant now" of fiction.
As for the Titans list... frankly this list has a similar short coming. It mentions "Extreme Justice" as a branch of the team, but doesn't list the members. When the list were created, the thought was "once a member always a member", so the character only got one mention. The Titan's has moved a way from that, at least a little, but it still has a way to go. - J Greb (talk) 00:39, 27 June 2008 (UTC)[reply]
Aside from the obvious problem of every team, regardless of it being the JLE, JLTF, JLA or whatever being called the Justice League in universe, the book isn't even out yet. As such, it's not possible for anyone to be on the team - it doesn't exist (and I doubt Hal's staying on the team McDuffie's writing anyway, but that'll get cleared up soon) Darquis (talk) 19:16, 5 August 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Terry Mcginnis


There's no mention of terry in this article. He's sucessor to bruce wayne.-- (talk) 07:44, 17 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Problems in Other Members section: Deadman and Tempest


I noticed two problems in this section that require attention from someone capable of editing the article (that is semi-protected). Deadman is listed as honorary member as of Justice League of America #274, but that issue never existed. The first volume ended at issue #261, and volume 2 ended at #60. No other Justice League related series reached this number of issues, and I haven't found any information elsewhere regarding Deadman being an honorary member, except when info was extracted directly from this article. Also, Tempest is listed as honorary member as of JLoA Vol. 2, but, again, no other source of information mentions him as a member.Kc lobo (talk) 23:56, 29 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

New 52


The way the New 52 section is formatted, it makes the JL/JLA situation look a little confusing. Could we maybe do separate titles and mention Martian Manhunter and Atom in both tables, since they are completely separate teams their memberships are separate? From the feel of the comics, I think Steve Trevor should actually be listed as a member of the JLA since he goes on their missions with them and is their field commander. Is there any specific person or people that are actively maintaining this page? (talk) 03:38, 28 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Agent Liberty


I don't think Agent Liberty counts as a member - he helped in 3 missions, but declined membership. At best, he's honorary, if that. (talk) 10:40, 24 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Semi-protected edit request on 24 December 2013


Please add Enchantress (June Moon) and Nightmare Nurse (Asa) to New 52 Justice League Dark team members because in they were/are.

Please add Batwing (David Zavimbe), Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes), Olympian (Aristides Demetrios) and O.M.A.C (Kevin Kho) to New 52 Justice League International members because they were in the later issues.

JusticeLeagueAvengers (talk) 08:57, 24 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Not done: WP:WTAF --Mdann52talk to me! 14:53, 29 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Semi-protected edit request on 21 May 2014


In the comics now, Shazam is a member of the Justice League. I believe that he should be included on the list, considering he's a member now. (This is New 52 Justice League) Odysseus6994 (talk) 10:42, 21 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. — {{U|Technical 13}} (tec) 11:55, 21 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Justice League United


As of April 2014, the Justice League of America is now the Justice League United, now located in Canada and fighting in both Canada and Outer Space. Four Justice League of America members, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Hawkman, and Stargirl, transferred to the Justice League United and Adam Strange, Animal Man, Supergirl, and Equinox are now members. (This is New 52 Justice League)

Not done: as you have not requested a specific change.
If you want to suggest a change, please request this in the form "Please replace XXX with YYY" or "Please add ZZZ between PPP and QQQ".
Please also cite reliable sources to back up your request, without which no information should be added to, or changed in, any article. - Arjayay (talk) 19:09, 13 November 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Post-Crisis on Infinite Earth founding members.


The events of the Crisis on Infinite Earth were followed by the retcon that Black Canary was a founding member. This was the canon continuity for over 20 years. This fact can be first seen in 1989's Secret Origins (Vol. 2, #32); which was later confirmed in 1998's 12-issues maxi-series JLA: Year One (Vol. 1); and again in 2007's weekly series 52 (Vol. 1, #51).

How can this be better reflected on this list? The note currently in place is not even accurate, since in addition to Wonder Woman, both Batman and Superman were also not founding members, until the 52 week 51, where the trinity joined the league with founding-member status, shortly after the group's formation.--Coquidragon (talk) 22:46, 26 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]

DC Extended Universe needed?


There are two issues with this section which is why I am deleting.

One, no other "Other Media" teams are included Second this team has yet to officially debut Thorn in Side (talk) 00:07, 8 April 2016 (UTC)[reply]

DC Rebirth Updates


Hi! With DC Rebirth, the Justice League has had some updates. Hal Jordan has his own series in space so he's taken a break from the League and he's appointed Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz. Those two have been added to the roster, but Jessica Cruz has returned to the team and that has not been updated. For the Justice League of America, that team is defunct but a new Justice League of America is being made in February 2017 with Batman who has dual membership in both Leagues, Black Canary, Lobo, the Ray, the Atom (Ryan Choi), KillerFrost (Caitlin Snow), and Vixen. Just wanted to give you guys a heads up on that. Maybe you want to separate DC Rebirth from the New 52 or keep it there and just add this new info to it? Your choice. — Preceding unsigned comment added by TheKnightWing (talkcontribs) 03:54, 19 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Someone changed Zatanna to "K"


Assume it was an accident?

I'd correct it, but this is a semi-protected page...sigh. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2601:248:4600:130D:B83D:3CBB:BEFB:4D68 (talk) 14:23, 21 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Semi-protected edit request on 13 June 2017

Julie297657 (talk) 14:34, 13 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

The Flash = Wally west

@Julie297657: The Barry Allen and Wally West Flashes are both mentioned (but the "Dark Flash"/Wallace West one isn't yet). ―Justin (koavf)TCM 15:28, 13 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

answer= yes, but the founding member of justice league is Barry Allen, but the he dies or something. and Wally west becomes the flash. why is wally west name not on the founding member of justice league? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Julie297657 (talkcontribs) 16:00, 13 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Julie297657: Because Barry is a founding member and not Wally, like you just said. Wally is listed later on as he joined later on. ―Justin (koavf)TCM 16:13, 13 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Semi-protected edit request on 25 December 2017


Jason Blood/Etrigan should be included with Nightwing, Faith and Hawkgirl under the JLA #69 cell in the "Joined In" column.

The Atom, Faith, Firestorm, Green Arrow, Hawkgirl, Jason Blood, Major Disaster and Nightwing are the members of the New Justice League assembled in this issue. TheGrimmPreacher (talk) 19:07, 25 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. Eggishorn (talk) (contrib) 21:44, 28 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Updates to New 52 Justice League


Lex Luthor is no longer in the Superfamily and Mera has left the Justice League. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2600:6C50:697F:C550:F5C4:393A:3F00:BE71 (talk) 21:43, 4 February 2018 (UTC)[reply]

DCAU Justice League


If the film version of the League and the television (CW) version of the League have proper membership tables in the "In other media" section, seems that the DCAU version of the League warrants one as well?

At least the founding members:

Superman Batman Wonder Woman Green Lantern (John Stewart) The Flash (Wally West) Aquaman Martian Manhunter

with appropriate voice actor and "first appearance" information. — Preceding unsigned comment added by 2601:246:802:635B:9839:14FD:A5DB:8B62 (talk) 18:35, 21 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Updates to the list

  • Other characters joined Justice League Odyssey which are Orion, Blackfire, Dex-Star, Gamma Knife (Who later was erased from existence), Arla Hax (who later was revealed to be working for Darkseid)
  • Will Payton Starman died in Year of the Villain
  • Animal Man did joined Justice League Dark Post-Metal
  • Kent Nelson (who would later die) and Khalid Nassour joined Justice League Dark
  • Phantom Girl, Captain Atom, Carter Hall, Metamorpho, Plastic Man, Hawk and Dove, Doctor Light, Ted Kord, Natasha Irons, Miss Martian, Kyle Rayner, Jericho, Damian Wayne, Jackson Hyde, Wallace West, Donna Troy, John Henry Irons, Ice, Mr. Terrific, Katana, Batwoman, Nightwing, Emiko Queen, Beast Boy, were inducted to the Justice League Post-Metal
  • World Forged, Monitor, and Anti-Monitor joined briefly
  • Sgt. Rock, Robotman, Vandal Savage, Poison Ivy, Mera and Swamp Thing were on Justice League United
  • Captain Boomerang, Killer Croc, Deadshot, and Harley Quinn joined in Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
  • There were four Justice League teams in No Justice which are Team Entropy (Deathstroke and Beast Boy), Team Wonder (Etrigan), Wisdom (Harley Quinn, Beast Boy), and Team Mystery (Starro, Sinestro)
  • There was a Justice League Europe in Doomsday Clock consisting of Crimson Fox, Nightrunner, Fleur-de-Lis, Thief-of-Arts, Hunchback, and Musketeer.

— Preceding unsigned comment added by 2600:1009:B05C:161C:617E:F158:2D21:8289 (talk) 16:04, 11 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Semi-protected edit request on 30 December 2020


We need to update the list. So much stuff happened.

  • Orion, Blackfire, Gamma Knife (Who was later erased in JLO #25), Alra Hax (Who later was revealed to be working for Darkseid), and Dex-Starr joined Justice League Odyssey
  • Kent Nelson (Who died in JLD Vol 2. #27) and Khalid Nassour join Justice League Dark
  • Will Payton died in Justice League Vol. 4 #34
  • We should also add Elseworlds, other possible futures, and other shows where the Justice League appeared in. (talk) 16:14, 30 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]
 Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. Eggishorn (talk) (contrib) 21:44, 31 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Semi-protected edit request on 29 April 2021


We need to update the article now. Naomi, Hippolyta, and Black Adam just joined the team. 2600:1009:B018:EDA:90D0:EAD3:7753:F181 (talk) 13:07, 29 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

 Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. ScottishFinnishRadish (talk) 13:12, 29 April 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Semi-protected edit request on 18 June 2021


ultra the multi - alien 2804:1CD4:89D5:D300:C42A:6BD2:8BFC:B712 (talk) 19:55, 18 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]

 Not done: please provide reliable sources that support the change you want to be made. ScottishFinnishRadish (talk) 22:33, 18 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Justice League Viking


do we need an entry for the team from Endless Winter? Qwertzu111111 (talk) 15:12, 24 September 2021 (UTC)[reply]

Hey I just remembered Robbie reed the boy who found a dial that can transform him in to different heroes he joined the Justice de


Hey I just remembered Robbie reed the boy who found a dial that can transform him into different super heroes (talk) 20:07, 23 January 2022 (UTC)[reply]

The Brave and The Bold #28 regarding Batman and Superman is wrong


Justice League of America #9 Is when the origin of the League changed to add Batman & Superman. 2600:8800:4A00:6A00:9446:BFC9:73D5:16D4 (talk) 17:26, 2 March 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Young Justice (TV Series)


Can someone add Jay Garrick since he joined the League in PhantomsLogan LaRusso (talk) 13:49, 14 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Additional Members


How do I add characters like Max Mercury and Red Star to the list? Dragon Klaw (talk) 16:18, 23 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]